
Hello! My name is Rolo and I am an English Bulldog. I was born February 7th, 2009. My father is named Angus and my mother is named Pheebee. I was born in Monroe, GA at Puppychase Kennels. My owner and best friend is named Clint (aka Nugget).

Clint told me there were several reasons why he chose the name Rolo for me. It is pronounced Roll-o, like the candies! First, there is the obvious reason of having the same chocolate and caramel color like the candies do. I'll take the time now to tell you I also have a cute and unique print on my right ear. Second, every year in Clint's stocking would be a bag of Rolos. It was one of the consistent gifts he got and always looked forward to getting. He was excited and eager to get me so he gave me a sentimental name. Lastly, Clint told me when I was just a little puppy, I would constantly roll over my back end. He found it funny and thought Rolo just fit.

Since I was a puppy, like most of my fellow canines, I loved attention. I love hanging out with all of the family and friends I meet. There hasn't been a single person, or canine, that I haven't befriended. Clint took the opportunity to take plenty of pictures as I grew up. He always tells me that I am very photogenic and that I listen to what he asks of me. Of course, it always helps to get the love and treats he gives me when I am good!

After a while of taking pictures, I wondered how well I could do  being a model. After a while, Clint got his friend Tim of Two Fish Photography to set up a few photo shoots and start my portfolio. I am very pleased with these shots and continue to look for more work!

If you would like to work with me, please contact me. You can find my information on my contact page. I look forward to having a fun time working with you all!


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