The Caped Crusader

One thing Clint and I have in common is that we both really love comics and super heroes. One of my favorites happens to be The Caped Crusader aka Batman! 

When Clint asked me what I would like to dress up as for my first photo shoot wearing a costume, I immediately answered Batman. What better super hero would do my first costume shoot justice?

Clint kindly picked up a costume for me from one of the local party stores and we immediately got to work. 

The shoot took me a few minutes to get use to the costume. After a few adjustments to the mask, I felt more comfortable and gave pose after pose until we had the shots we needed. I found this shoot to be one of my favorites and can't wait to see what Clint and I will get into next!

Tune in next week at the same Rolo time and same Rolo channel! Or rather keep an ear and eye out for the next updates.


The Caped Crusader Photo Shoot On Flickr

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