At Home

My second photo shoot came about rather unexpectedly. This time Tim, over at Two Fish Photography, had just bought a new lens for his camera and wanted to test it out. I quickly jumped into action!

We ended up using a spot below one of the circular windows in my house. He promised a couple of treats if I would give him a couple of smiles in a few different poses. I believe I did both of us justice as the shots turned out magnificent.

My favorite picture was the one Tim caught of me winking slyly. I can't help but laugh every time I see this picture.

Eventually Tim had enough photos to satisfy his eagerness for his new lens. I too had satisfied my eagerness for another photo shoot, along with my sweet tooth.

I hope you all enjoy these pictures as much as my family and I do. Until next time, as a friend of mine says, "stay loose!"


At Home Photo Shoot On Flickr

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