The Caped Crusader

One thing Clint and I have in common is that we both really love comics and super heroes. One of my favorites happens to be The Caped Crusader aka Batman! 

When Clint asked me what I would like to dress up as for my first photo shoot wearing a costume, I immediately answered Batman. What better super hero would do my first costume shoot justice?

Clint kindly picked up a costume for me from one of the local party stores and we immediately got to work. 

The shoot took me a few minutes to get use to the costume. After a few adjustments to the mask, I felt more comfortable and gave pose after pose until we had the shots we needed. I found this shoot to be one of my favorites and can't wait to see what Clint and I will get into next!

Tune in next week at the same Rolo time and same Rolo channel! Or rather keep an ear and eye out for the next updates.


The Caped Crusader Photo Shoot On Flickr

At Home 2

This weekend, I was just minding my own business when Clint decided to ask Tim to take some more pictures of me. I can't say that I was thrilled at first to take these pictures. After seeing how they turned out, I have completely changed my mind. I love them!

There isn't much to say about these shots. Clint asked me to sit on the couch, like I often do, as well as lay on my side. I obliged and the pictures turned out great.

I hope you all enjoy these pictures and in a moment, I will post another update on what we did last night! Lets just say that the pictures were...mysterious!


At Home 2 Photo Shoot On Flickr

At Home

My second photo shoot came about rather unexpectedly. This time Tim, over at Two Fish Photography, had just bought a new lens for his camera and wanted to test it out. I quickly jumped into action!

We ended up using a spot below one of the circular windows in my house. He promised a couple of treats if I would give him a couple of smiles in a few different poses. I believe I did both of us justice as the shots turned out magnificent.

My favorite picture was the one Tim caught of me winking slyly. I can't help but laugh every time I see this picture.

Eventually Tim had enough photos to satisfy his eagerness for his new lens. I too had satisfied my eagerness for another photo shoot, along with my sweet tooth.

I hope you all enjoy these pictures as much as my family and I do. Until next time, as a friend of mine says, "stay loose!"


At Home Photo Shoot On Flickr

In The Park

This was my very first photo shoot which was shot by my good friend Tim from Two Fish Photography. The idea of this shoot started when my owner, Clint (aka Nugget), decided to take some pictures to send to our family for presents. 

The location was a small walking park in the Smyrna area. After taking a few pics with Clint, I walked around on the track and began to make the magic happen. I had so much fun doing this shoot that I decided to see if I could make a career of being a model! 

All of the pictures that we took ended up great. I had a hard time selecting my favorite one. If I had to choose, I would have to say the this one was my favorite. Clint was so proud of me for being so obedient and happy that I gave him my proudest pose. He was so happy with this picture himself that it is blown up, framed and hanging on our wall at home.

I learned a lot from this shoot and with a little more training to help with specific poses, patience and the help of good friends, I hope to continue providing shoots for you all to see. Until next time, I hope you enjoy these pictures and please give my buddy Tim a look as well!


In The Park Photo Shoot On Flickr
Two Fish Photography Flickr
Two Fish Photography's Blog


Hello and thank you for visiting!

My name is Rolo and I am an English Bulldog. Here you will find plenty of information regarding who I am, what I like to do and my adventures through life. Please take a look at my pictures and if you like what you see, give me a shout.


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